words. Odyssia Houstis
photography. Raphael Mazzucco
issue 3 – the water issue

This multifaceted talent attributes his success to an innate drive and passion that has seen him excel in two vastly different fields. Growing up, Mazzucco was a soccer fanatic, eventually playing professionally in Canada and England. “I pretty much slept with the soccer ball since I was super young. So that gave me a lot of drive,” he says. However, it wasn’t until a chance encounter with renowned photographer Bruce Weber that Mazzucco discovered his love for photography. After being photographed by Weber for a Calvin Klein campaign, Mazzucco was inspired to pick up a camera himself.

Mazzucco’s unique approach to photography sets him apart from the crowd. Having lived in Europe for many years, he developed an appreciation for beautiful photography. Upon moving to New York, Mazzucco began experimenting wit hainting over photographs, adding layers and depth to his work. Despite his success in commercial photography, Mazzucco remains passionate about his creative process. He believes that his photography is more controlled, while the artistic elements, such as painting and layering, allow him to embrace a sense of freedom and unpredictability. “I feel like I’m organized on the inside and unorganized on the outside,” he muses.

photography + hair. Lisa-Marie Mazzucco

Mazzucco’s love for the outdoors also shines through in his work, often opting for location shoots over studio settings. The world is his canvas, and his adventures have taken him to Africa, Vietnam, the Amazon, Iceland, and beyond. When photographing someone, Mazzucco’s process involves putting them in “an environment that’s a place with raw beauty.” He seeks out unique, expressive, and authentic locations.

Throughout his career, Mazzucco has photographed a diverse array of models and personalities, from GiselleBündchenand Alessandra Ambrosio to Gigi Hadid. He has also loved capturing the essence of actors such as Benicio Del Toro, who left memorable impressions on him.

studio: Raphael working on pieces for collectors Marc and Sandy Chaikin

Mazzucco’s career started in the pre-social media era when portfolios were essential. “Now there is a trend to learn on social media platforms to find models so much” he explains. This shift is reminiscent of the transition from film to digital photography, which Mazzucco initially resisted before embracing its practical advantages. As the world shifts towards digital and the metaverse, Mazzuccoembraces these changes with open arms. He sees the potential for incredible growth in the art and film industries and believes that the right approach and creative mindset can turn these technological advancements into a force for good. Mazzucco draws inspiration from artists like David Hockney, who has adapted his traditional painting skills to the digital realm. Mazzucco believes that embracing new technologies and staying true to oneself is key in the ever-evolving world of art and photography.

When asked about his advice to aspiring photographers, Mazzucco shared, “I think just to listen to your heart and find five words that sum up what you love about photography and how you feel about it.” For him, those words are “natural, raw, organic, simple, and colorful.” His perspective on photography is about creating a strong emotional connection with his work, believing that a smaller, more curated selection of images can be more powerful than an extensive portfolio.

photography + hair. Lisa Marie Mazzucco
photography + hair. Lisa Marie Mazzucco

When he’s not traveling the globe, Mazzucco finds solace on his 100-acre property, which serves as both his home and studio. He describes himself as “a real nature boy” and feels that living in such a serene environment is perfect for his production. He also describes himself as a “pretty simple guy.” He enjoys music, nature, animals, and cooking with friends. His warmth and love for those who have supported him throughout his career are evident. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with a strong network of friends and collaborators. Despite a glamorous career, Mazzuccoappreciatesthe simplicity of his home in Connecticut, where he relishes the space, the land, and the stark contrast to the bustling world of fashion photography.

Raphael Mazzucco’s passion for photography and art shows no signs of fading as he continues to explore new locations and work with fascinating individuals. He has been represented over the last seven years by Castlefineart Galleries and has upcoming exhibitions in Glasgow, Birmingham, Windsor, and London, where fans can look forward to even more breath-taking works from this talented artist. His current series which includes settings from Africa to the Amazon, is a mixture of collage, cutting, gluing, and writing, creating a bright and colorful contrast to his earlier sepia-toned work. This series evolved organically, emerging from the artistic freedom of his winter workspace.

In addition, Mazzucco is excited about a trip to Vancouver and a documentary project featuring 1,800 hours of footage from his past travels. His upcoming work also includes a book in collaboration with songwriter and singer Chantal Kreviazuk, showcasing their 25-year artistic relationship.

photos. courtesy Raphael Mazzucco | producer. Luvngrace productions / Vernardluvngrace | producer. Rush Salon ltd, Gerald Larribas, Mariam Sultana

Raphael Mazzucco has an approach to photography that transcends the traditional. With a career spanning across continents and industries, Mazzucco’sunique style is as vibrant and ever-changing as the man himself. He has carved out a niche for himself through his unique artistic vision and the deep connections he’s forged along the way. As he continues to evolve and explore new creative avenues, his work serves as an inspiration to photographers and artists worldwide.

photography + hair. Lisa Marie Mazzucco
producer. Luvngrace productions / Vernardluvngrace
producer. Rush Salon ltd, Gerald Larribas, Mariam Sultana
studio photography. Raphael working on pieces for collectors Marc and Sandy Chaikin

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