
our magazines are trilingual

website and social media are in english.

cover schon meta digital issue 08
cover schon digital issue 05 - the unexpected
print. subscription

Our magazines are trilingual: Deutsch, Français, Italiano!

available worldwide
With your subscription you will receive both magazines – Schön! Switzerland and METASchön! – as a bundle.
Starting with the next issue.

6 printed issues over 12 months
shipping included for Switzerland
shipping EU plus CHF 42 | outside EU plus CHF 108

CHF 80

cover schon meta digital issue 08
cover schon digital issue 05 - the unexpected
digital. subscription

Our magazines are trilingual: Deutsch, Français, Italiano!

available worldwide
With your subscription you will receive both magazines – Schön! Switzerland and METASchön! – as a bundle.
Starting with the current issue.

6 digital issues over 12 months
hosted and powered by

€ 42

cover schon meta digital issue 05 - the unexpected
cover schon digital issue 05 - the unexpected

print. single issue

Our magazines are trilingual: Deutsch, Français, Italiano!

available worldwide
With your purchase you will receive both magazines – Schön! Switzerland and METASchön! – as a bundle.

single print issue
shipping included for Switzerland
shipping EU plus CHF 7 per copy
outside EU plus CHF 18 per copy

CHF 14

cover schon meta digital issue 05 - the unexpected
cover schon digital issue 05 - the unexpected

digital. single issue

Our magazines are trilingual: Deutsch, Français, Italiano!

available worldwide
With your purchase you will receive both magazines – Schön! Switzerland and METASchön! – as a bundle.

digital issues are hosted and powered by

€ 7

follow us on instagram