words. Odyssia Houstis
photography. Oksana Bernold
issue 4 – in motion

dress. Christopher Esber

The origins of a visionary
Dr. Boeckenfeld, could you take us back to your childhood, where your fascination with futuristic subjects began?
Of course. At a very young age, my older brother opened the doors to a world where thestars don’t just shine in the sky. Star Wars and science fiction weren’t just a movie to me, but a window to infinite possibilities. It was the beginning of a journey where technology and imagination merge into a harmonious whole.

From distant galaxies to digital horizons
The stars of the time guided you towards today’s technologies. How did these early inspirations influence your work in the Web3 space and the creation of the”Marthaverse”?Every story I’ve read, and every image I’ve seen has taught me that our limits exist only in our minds. The Marthaverse is an echo of these lessons. It’s a place where digital dreams become reality and each of us becomes part of a larger whole.

From financial metropolises to digital utopias
Before establishing yourself in the Web3 environment, you had a rich tradition in the financial sector, with a focus on digital transformation and innovation. Could you tell us how your role as a board member and thinker at UBS prepared you for this transition?
My experience of over 20 years in the insurance and banking sector, including at Axa and UBS, was a crucial period during which I immersed myself deeply in the areas of digital transformation and innovation. It was there that I understood how technology could transform traditional structures. Today, this knowledge is my compass in the Web3 space, where I help companies build a bridge between the past and the future

An unexpected path
Your journey from the skyscrapers of banking to the vanguard of Web3 is remarkable. Was there a decisive moment of awareness?
It wasn’t so much a moment as a constant awakening. A sense that there are still other worlds to discover. Worlds in which technology and humanity don’t clash but complement each other.

shirt. Lanvin

The Marthaverse: a digital cosmos
The Marthaverse is more than just a digital space. What are the pillars of this universe?
The Marthaverse is a place to meet, learn and grow. Here, we can move freely, discover, and connect. This is my vision of a digital future in which every individual counts. It’s a space where individuals and businesses can navigate the complexities of digital transformation with ease and confidence. Tailored training sessions and educational programs create a community that enables everyone to evolve knowledgeably and confidently in this rapidly changing landscape. As a member of the Fast Future Executive faculty, dean of the Metaverse Academy, and several universities, I am able to teach a wide variety of educational methods and content.

In the words of the wise Nelson Mandela, “education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. This principle guides me in my daily work and in my mission to build a sustainable future through education-a paradigm shift in society.

A bastion of diversity
Your commitment to diversity is impressive. How do you manage to bring together so many different voices in the world of technology?
For me, diversity and inclusion are non-negotiable. They are the foundation of every healthy society and every successful project. I see it as my duty to build bridges and create spaces where everyone is heard. The way the world is currently evolving is not sustainable. What we need is the compassion, love, and communal strength that all women possess as a natural advantage. In particular, I try to “empower” women and turn them into leaders.

Awards: more than medals
Your awards are significant. What do they mean to you personally?
Every award reminds me why I do what I do. It’s not about me, it’s about the community we’re building together.

Looking to the future
As someone who is always looking ahead, how do you see the digital future?
I see a world in which the boundaries between reality and the digital are blurring. A world in which technology doesn’t alienate us but brings us closer together. The world is our web of unlimited possibilities, on which the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds are blurring. I see my role as supporting every individual and every company on this transformative journey, harnessing the power of Web3, and leading with inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability.

A guiding star for the next generation
Do you have a message for those who want to follow in your footsteps?
Yes, “We are shaping the future”. Go forward with courage, dream big, and never forget that each and every one of us can make a difference. Let’s work together, innovate, and lead the digital revolution together to build a future as beautiful and diverse as each of us.

Join Dr. Martha Boeckenfeld on her journey to a future where technology and humanity merge in perfect harmony. Find out more about her work and her LINK vision here.

words. Odyssia Houstis
photography. Oksana Bernold
make up. Patricia Camardella
thanks. Tasoni

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